Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Concrete Patio Solved Flooding Problem

A resent Rochester Michigan customer of ours had problems with their apartment flooding. We managed to take care of the flooding problem by installing a new concrete patio and concrete sidewalks with proper drainage. Now the water flows away from the side of the apartment complex rather than pooling next to the wall and leaking into the apartment. As always, we thank Emerald Apartments of Rochester MI for their business.

New Concrete Patio Reference Letter

New Concrete Patio Solved Flooding Problem
 June 30, 2011

Scott McIntyre
General Manager
America’s Pros, Inc.
P.O. Box 81275
Rochester, MI 48308-1275

Dear Scott,

I am writing this letter to commend America’s Pros, Inc. on the work you recently did on one of our apartments. As you know, we had a problem with this particular apartment flooding and it was a recurrent issue over the last few years. We had tried several solutions by other vendors which did not work. The installation of a new concrete patio and a drain pipe will move water away from the apartment to eliminate the problem. The sidewalks which had to be replaced were done with good materials and the job was executed neatly. In addition we appreciated America’s Pros, Inc. meeting our strict deadline of June 29th. We will certainly keep you in mind for any additional work we may have in the future.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Elizabeth Andrews
Trustee, Emerald Apartments
Rochester MI 48307